Logo Ostí Vedl - Apartments in Longiarù
Logo Ostí Vedl - Apartments in Longiarù
Severina Ostí Vedl 6

Seven room with en-suite bathrooms

Relax and recharge your batteries in this South Tyrolean farmstead. It seems as though not a day has gone by since it was built: travel back in time without giving up any modern creature comforts. Prepare for a unique and enjoyable experience.

The apartment

Severina’s room

Severina Ostí Vedl 11
Severina is Franz’ sister, Martin’s grandfather, the doting aunt of his four children. The “apartment” is dedicated to her and boasts a double room with a day and night area. The wooden floorboard may whisper as you tread on it – don’t worry, it’s part of this room’s fairy-tale charm.

Ladin world

Franz’ room

Franz Ostí Vedl 51
Franz is Martin’s grandfather, a farmer by birth – he had no other choice, really; after all, tourism wasn’t a thing back then. Hard work and sacrifice, a Ladin man through and through. This room is dedicated to him, an expert of everything timber.

An homage to timber

Maria’s room

Maria Ostí Vedl 38
Maria is the eldest daughter, a farmer, a seasonal hotel worker, and homeproud to a fault. A family picture wouldn’t be the same without a room dedicated to her. A room where the wood-panelled ambience whispers sweet little nothings.

Forest scents

Oliva’s room

Oliva Ostí Vedl 19
Wouldn’t it be nice if among all Longiarù’s magnificent larches we were to find a small olive? And that we have: Oliva is the second oldest. She bought an old farmstead together with her husband and turned it into the best pizzeria in the village. Her room is steeped in the heady scents of the forest.

The Dolomites’ song

Marghit’s room

Marghit Ostí Vedl 27
Marghit has always been somewhat of a rebel: you can tell it from her grin. In her youth, she worked as a seasonal waitress in La Villa, met a chef from Romagna, and moved with him to Cesena. But she always comes back during summer. Her room comes to life with the sweet song of the Dolomites.

A dream come true

Giuvani’s room

Giuvani Ostí Vedl 29
Giuvani is Martin’s father, a handyman if there ever was one: farmer and woodturner during summer, and waiter during winter: he’s always ready to give a helping hand and smile. His dream? Restore the Ostí Vedl farmstead. A dream which a tree, uprooted by the Vaia Storm, shattered, but Martin didn’t give up, and dove right back into the project. This is his room.

The highest floor

Veronica’s room

Veronica Ostí Vedl 44
Veronica is Franz’ wife, making her Martin’s grandmother. Her four children were born in this home. Discreet and determined, she raised her children with the patience of a saint, going above and beyond her duty as a mother. The third room on the highest floor is dedicated to her.