Logo Ostí Vedl - Apartments in Longiarù
Logo Ostí Vedl - Apartments in Longiarù
Wine Cellar of Ostí Vedl

The wine cellar

Martin’s wine cellar is home to a delicious Speck and outstanding bottles of wine. Out-of-this-world aperitivi – with ingredients like these, what did you expect?

A big, friendly giant

A tree in the cellar?

Ostí Vedl

A centuries-old tree trunk rises from the cellar’s heart, supporting the entire farmstead. It looks like a harmless giant from one of our fairy tales. Martin built the wine cellar around the trunk, filling the room with products and bottles which remain fresh and genuine. A special place where time stands still.

South Tyrol and beyond

Wine galore

Wine Cellar of Ostí Vedl

South Tyrol has become a renowned wine region in the world for its full-bodied reds and aromatic whites. Martin selects his bottles from the least known producers – a pleasant surprise is guaranteed. The cellar isn’t only a treasure chest of local wines: the labels step outside the comfort zone nestled between the Adige and Isarco rivers and tap into unexpected places. Savouring a good glass of wine is as close to perfection as it comes, especially when joined by the young innkeeper of the renovated Ostí Vedl.

Rare but outstanding tasting sessions

Ask and you shall receive

Speck from the Ostí Vedl farm

Martin is a farmer and plays in a rock band. In his spare time, he ventures out looking for interesting wines. He doesn’t have too much time for tasting sessions – but if you ask him, he’ll set up the glasses in a flash, uncork the bottles, and serve a mouthwatering, out-of-this-world Speck. These rare occasions make them even more precious.